Why I am sad

I have been covering Fishers news since January 2012, when we had a town council and no mayor.  I tried to move away from local news blogging in March, but with the novel coronavirus and racial issues at the forefront, I felt a responsibility to continue, at least for a while, as these large issues are being handled locally.

Now I am asking myself why I even bother.  The city is facing major health issues and we are finding that local citizens are not able to follow what is happening in our government.  That includes me.

I am a high risk individual.  If I contract COVID-19, I am at risk for major health problems.  With all these big issues locally, I have limited covering local events in person, although I have attended two outdoor demonstrations centered on racial issues.

Meetings of the school board and city government sessions have been reviewed by me through video live streams.  However, the city is stretching my patience.

A recent city council meeting was held at Launch Fishers.  I was assured that there would be a video live stream of that meeting.  That live stream never happened due to what the city described as “technical difficulties.”

Late Monday afternoon, the Fishers Health Department posted a Facebook message saying COVID-19 test results could take up to 10 days.  I had to scratch my head on that one.

One of the major reasons, maybe the most important reason, the city established its own health department a few months ago was to provide novel coronavirus testing available free to local residents and for a fee to local businesses.  A COVID-19 test that takes 10 days is of virtually no value – you might as well have no testing program at all.

I wanted to learn what the city officials had to say about all this.  I wanted to hear their side of the story so I could understand the situation more completely.

The city council had a work session scheduled Monday night all about the Fishers Health Department and I wanted to listen to it.  Once again, the city (or its contractor) was unable to provide the sound to the council work session.  I tested my equipment and everything was in working order, YouTube videos and podcast audio were coming through my computer just fine.  The city council meeting audio was not.

Since I could not hear the health department presentation or the questions from the council members, I cannot illuminate you on any of this and I wish that I could.

I have not always agreed with Mayor Scott Fadness on everything but we have agreed more than disagreed since he has been town manager, then mayor of Fishers.  I had always been complimentary of his ability to do the job of mayor and always felt he had competent staff.

Sadly, that confidence in the city’s competence has been shaken.  I wonder why I even try to blog about local news at all anymore.

I hope the city starts to get itself together.  I’m just not sure I will be writing about it, except in commentaries like this.  I am very sad to write this, but that is the view from here.

I will continue blogging about subjects like entertainment and will write commentaries on a variety of subjects.  I also plan to continue podcasting in some form.  I made a mistake even trying to cover local news at all.  Lesson learned.

9 thoughts on “Why I am sad

  1. You sound pathetic. Actually, have enjoyed you for awhile now, but please stop with the whining. Life is tough for all of us right now and I, myself, have been working out in the midst of the public throughout this whole pandemic. I am a vendor who is in and out of 8-10 grocery stores each day stocking product. Furthermore, my wife and I are 63 and she is not working due to a disability. We are both very vulnerable, but we deal with it. Remain steadfast and keep your good spirit and strong mindset.

  2. Larry,
    Please keep trying. We have so little reliable coverage, we need reports such as yours. I am very tired of Zoom or Microsoft meetings. Something always goes wrong. But like you, I am high risk and going out in public is a danger.
    I also agree if you can’t get tested and know the results in a timely manner, it is a waste of resources and money.

  3. Another thing… Fishers is an incredibly wonderful city, whose leadership I respect and hold in the highest regard. With that said, nothing is ever perfect, so let us all work hand in hand to keep things moving forward in a positive direction.

  4. The issues in the near future are going to be huge for our city with overruns on 37, impending state-level budget cuts for the city and schools, unknown multi-million dollar budgets on park projects, the virus, and so much more. Transparency and communication over the next 12 to 18 months is going to be critical.

    It is because the issues are getting bigger and more pronounced that it is important for more people to be looking at what is happening. You’ve been about the only one keeping tabs on what is happening and that has been HUGE for our city and the community. It isn’t on you to cover everything. You’ve done so much already. More of us need to step up and help in getting the word out.

  5. Larry, thanks for trying. I appreciate the effort and can understand the frustration. I was there for the FHD presentation. Big news – a mask mandate is coming to Fishers beginning on Friday and in place for 6 weeks, at which point it will be reassessed.

  6. Larry,
    I have always appreciated your perspective on all things Fishers. I think you bring a fair and balanced, yet critical when needed, eye to the city. I too am disappointed that 10 days for test results is where we are after moving forward with our own city health department. Please keep reporting and sharing your insight.

  7. I took extensive notes of each person’s questions and the answers given. I would be happy to meet you for coffee or lunch to discuss.

  8. Larry this just breaks me. I’ve given up as well. I know the job of governing us hard and people all believe the worst. I don’t think this black box approach is intentional. That said, it is clear that open communication is not their priority. Live video is not hard, middle-schoolers with a phone have been doing it for years.

    Anyway, please don’t give up. You have a voice and an ear that people trust on both sides. That’s invaluable. But also don’t stress, the city will reap what is sows with the amount of attention residents pay.

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