HSE Board President “disappointed” in many within the local community

Michelle Fullhart

Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board President is about halfway through her second term on the board and is not up for re-election in 2020, but posted on Facebook in the early morning hours of Wednesday that she is “disappointed in so many people in our community right now.”

Fullhart cites one particular Facebook group she does not name, “…who have resorted to name calling and out-right bullying toward those (that) don’t share their views.”

She describes one post on that group aimed at another group of HSE parents. “The vitriol and nastiness is awful,” wrote the school board president.

“2020 has brought out the worst in so many people, and emboldened horrible behavior,” wrote Fullhart. “At least I have hope for the children of our community, many of whom are behaving better than their parents. I’ve seen so many great examples of things students are doing that show they care about their fellow human beings. Some of their parents, not so much”

In the era of COVID-19, virtual classes, with social distancing in schools and nearly everywhere else, it is clear we are all feeling the pain – students, parents, teachers and school administrators alike.  It may be time to take a deep breath, think about not just how difficult this time is and has been for you and your family, but also think about how everyone around you is suffering as well.

Although Michelle Fullhart is “disappointed” in some parts of the HSE Schools community, there are others working to deal with the challenges of life in a pandemic.  Ms. Fullhart does cite this in what she described as a Facebook “rant.”  Time will tell how we all get through this.

11 thoughts on “HSE Board President “disappointed” in many within the local community

  1. It really is sad that we’re at this point. Since when was/has it become acceptable for adults to channel the worst of middle-school behavior towards each other. From what I’ve been seeing in various ‘news’ outlets, I am grateful that we homeschool (the district failed us so utterly completely that I had zero options but to withdraw our children–but that’s outside the point).
    One thing I enforce with our children is the second phrase of the Constitution — ..in order to make a more perfect union.. Which I translate as to “today isn’t going to be perfect, but we need to focus on making things better for tomorrow” — and treating each other in horrific, uncivil, manners is just appalling . As a community, especially the schooling system, should be attempting to lift the social standards — not condemn others for thinking/being different from us.
    It really saddens me that we’ve reached this level. WE, the People, should be greater than the pettiness that’s being forced upon us by outside forces. But, evidently — the majority seem to think like an 80’s action tv show, all problems can be fixed in 42 minutes with ramifications. I do know several people who’ve been affected by this virus — and several other friends who’re front-line workers and seen what exactly happens when people arrive at the ER. It’s not pretty — and I personally don’t want to experience it.
    Having had the schools to be forced open regardless of state, has put the whole community at risk because there’s a group of people who “know” better than experts. That has put a significantly larger proportion of the population at risk. To me, that’s completely unacceptable. The technology exists to educate our children with alternative means. (As inconvenient as it might be to some to have children in the background whilst they “work”.)
    Can I ask that the adults in this community please Grow-Up and open our minds to real facts, and our hearts to be more empathetic to others’ positions?

  2. That particular Facebook group is Toxic to the whole community. It’s one of those sites that would be funny if it weren’t serious. They are absolutely oblivious to how others perceive them. Good on Michelle for standing up for herself and calling them out! Solutions are needed, not unhinged rage, relentless pressure, and bullying.

    1. I agree, as you mention that HSE Virtual site is crazy and toxic, but it is a little disingenuous to act like the name calling and bullying is only on HSE Virtual site. Both sides of the issue have resorted to name calling. The site pushing for 100% back in person is bad as is the site run by the former Fisher Health Department. Plus, Michelle Fullhart has not been above the fray either. Just look at her comments at the August 12, 2020 school board meeting.

      We can be disappointed in people on all sides of the issue.

  3. This feels very one sided, I would love the opportunity for parents who are pushing for a better education for their children to be interviewed. While we oppose the plan put forth by leadership, or lack of planning, it’s not that we are anti-teacher, quite the opposite. We know this isn’t working for students and teachers alike. It’s simply not working for anyone. Lack of leadership and planning has left teachers overworked and our kids under-educated. Please email me so I can connect you to parents who can speak to this.

    1. Hi Stephanie —
      I am genuinely interested in hearing what you’ve got to say. As I stated above, we’re a homeschooling family and don’t have horses in the overall race. We do have opinions on how the district is/has been run and the overall agenda set by the statehouse (which I would also state is a topic for a completely different thread). That also means that neither of us looks after this FB group and sees the toxicity that has been reported. (FB is just a toxic mess as a platform — but that too is off-topic)

      Specifically what I am not following from your comment — are you saying that the online learning has /is failing? Or are you saying that in-person education has failure points that aren’t being addressed? Or somewhere in between?
      (If Larry would want to share my email address with you so I can gain understanding of your point of view and not turn this into some sort of public battleground — I’m cool with that.)
      Again — I’m just trying to understand the perspective of a group of the community — not taking sides (My side isn’t with any group at this point…I’m just curious)

      1. My belief is that virtual learning is not working. I, along with many other parents, feel the administration and leadership in the school district waited too long and did not plan properly for this. I was absolutely fine in the spring when the instruction was less than ideal- everyone was just trying to keep their head above water so I didn’t worry about the lack of instruction. But we’ve all had time to now to adjust and plan and it feels that we are behind compared to other districts in the county. Teachers are asked to do too much- they have to teach too many different types of groups of students. Putting the 50/100% argument aside, my wish is that virtual teachers to teach virtual students and in-person teachers teach in-person students. My kids workload is minimal. While it has grown in the last week it is more often than not the six hours mandated by the state. At least from my middle Schooler. Leadership has utterly failed to ensure consistency across schools. Some kids have more instruction than others. Some teachers are adapting better than others, but they’ve been minimally trained for this. Our group is not anti-teacher group. Our group is simply pro-quality education that we’ve come to expect from HSE and it’s not working for students or teachers right now. Teachers are overworked and students are stressed and/or unengaged on virtual days.

        1. And I want to clarify that for those people who want to stay home by all means I think they should have that choice. I believe there should be a choice in both directions. With all the unknown, I would never want anyone to be forced to go to school if they are not comfortable. I just personally believe the benefit outweighs the risk. I might be wrong but only time will tell.

        2. I agree wholeheartedly. We should have had virtual teachers from the start. Virtual is not working for all kiddos just like in person isn’t a great option for others. This could have been so much smoother yet here we are. Pray for the frazzled teachers who wonder if they can just quit because sanity is worth more than pay!

      2. And I want to clarify that for those people who want to stay home by all means I think they should have that choice. I believe there should be a choice in both directions. With all the unknown, I would never want anyone to be forced to go to school if they are not comfortable. I just personally believe the benefit outweighs the risk. I might be wrong but only time will tell.

  4. Completely one sided article. Michelle is the pot calling the kettle black because she herself hasn’t been above board with some of her posts and comments. Most people are extremely frustrated with the leaders in the school district and community. We are not teacher blaming at all. My fingers are directly pointed at Adminstration. They’re over working our teachers and pushing our students further behind by the day. Our district was one of the top in the state. After the lack of leadership, it won’t be when they’re done with it.

  5. I respond again to an HSE post and invite the school board to sit in on the 50/50 classes even for one hour. Then go have your meeting. Step inside the classroom for once ever. The time is now for school board to actually bother to enter the schools, experience the moods, dodge between the three cameras set up in a room that the teachers paid for in order to provide 50/50 learning. Come experience how many times zoom meetings freeze during lessons. The board didn’t even know how the schools are being cleaned! Go BE the board. None will though, will they? Best to not get their hands dirty while dictating decisions about those they don’t even attempt to get to know. And how is that not condescending, being not even willing to walk into a classroom but making judgments based on uneducated opinions? At least, that has been the board so far. Who will choose to step up and GO BE the school advocates they were elected to be?

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