Thoughts about July 4, 1776

I have always enjoyed reading about history and the Declaration of Independence has always been a part of American history that intrigues me.

It is difficult in today’s world to understand what a truly revolutionary document that was in 1776.  The world at that time was largely ruled by monarchies and elites.

The idea that all men are created equal was not a concept universally accepted.  Yes, I know, it did not apply to women or people of color, and I get that.  But put into the context of 1776, it was still an idea not known at that time.

That document was truly revolutionary.  These were people that considered themselves Englishmen but renounced the authority of the king.

It should also be noted that each man affixing his signature to the Declaration of Independence knew that the ruling class in London would consider them traitors, with the penalty for high treason death.  If America lost the Revolutionary War, they would all face the death penalty.

Many of those signing-on to the declaration paid a personal price.  Five were captured by the British and tortured as traitors.  Nine donned the military uniform and fought in the Revolutionary War, and died either from battle wounds or the hardships from fighting.  Two lost sons in the war and two had their sons captured.

This is a reminder that freedom is not free.  Those men signing the Declaration of Independence we celebrate each July 4th knew the risks they were taking.  They signed anyway.

America is 245 years old on this July 4th, 2021.  Let us celebrate those that serve our nation in so many ways – in the military, in health care where so many put themselves at risk to treat COVID patients over the past year and more, and everyone charged with keeping us all safe.

Most of all, enjoy this special holiday.  It is worth celebrating.

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