Hoosier Rd. Elementary food service worker under arrest for allegedly bringing firearm into the school

(Story updated 7:50am Wednesday morning)

Jovara K Ofoia

Fishers Police took a Hoosier Road Elementary School food service worker into custody Tuesday morning after reports the employee brought a concealed firearm into the school.

Under arrest is Javara K. Ofoia, 22, from Fishers.  She faces a charge of possessing a firearm on school property.

School Resource Officers took the worker into custody without incident and the firearm was secured.  Fishers Police emphasize no students were involved and there was no “imminent threat to safety.”

According to Fishers Police, Ofoia told a witness she had a handgun in her purse and not to tell anyone because she knew it was a felony. Officers say they found the gun in Ofia’s purse, in her unsecured office. She told officers she had the gun because she works at an Indianapolis restaurant that was “shot up” over the weekend and was afraid.

Bringing a firearm into a school building is a violation of state law and HSE School District polity.

The FPD news release says this is an example someone seeing something and  saying something.

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