Fishers plan for road resurfacing

The red areas on this map are to be resurfaced this summer

Fishers plans to resurface roads this summer in a number of neighborhoods, particularly Sunblest.  Two main throughfares are to be resurfaced – both 126th Street and Promise road, in the area of Fishers High School.  The $2.9 million bid was under the engineer’s estimate.  The funding will come from the Indiana Community Crossing Matching Grant of $1.4 million, with the wheel tax and other local sources rounding out the funding.  The Board of Public Works and Safety approved the bid acceptance at its Tuesday morning meeting.

In others actions by the Board of Works:

–Federal funding is now approved for roundabout construction at 96th Street & Cyntheanne Road, along with 131st Street and Howe Road.  Construction is expected in 2025.

–10 Verizon 5G towers will not be constructed in Fishers since it has been 2 years since initial approval of the rights-of-way.  It is another sign Verizon may not plan to construct any new 5G towers in Fishers.

–The developer of Cyntheanne Woods plans to dedicate land to the city for a park as part of 61 residential units to be constructed.  Since the city has no current plans for a park in that area, the perimeter path and pedestrian bridge (over Thorpe Creek) across the Cyntheanne Road frontage would be constructed, but not until the park land is developed.  The developer has agreed to incorporate the construction of the path and pedestrian bridge into their residential development plans.  In return, the city will provide Park Impact Fee Credits for the proposed 61 residential lots and a one-time payment for the improvement costs, which exceed the credit amount to compensate the developer for the improvements.



3 thoughts on “Fishers plan for road resurfacing

  1. Larry, whenever I see a map like the one in your post here I can’t help but wonder how much Fishers has grown, especially in the eastern third ever since the Geist annexation. That area there on the east is very much housing where there used to be essentially woods and farmland not too long ago. Even the areas just north of 96th Street between Fall Creek and Fortville are pretty much all housing now with more slated to be built very soon.

    Questions for you:

    1. Any plans for a grocery store or even a convenience store in the quadrant north of 113th Street and Olio road. I know Hy-Vee is still coming but it’s a bit to the northwest of that area.

    2. Are the plans for the new Kroger to open still on track for Christmas opening? I know the building is not going up yet, but I saw that they have sectioned off the parking lot where the old Marsh used to be. I believe that the groundbreaking was over a month ago. Don’t know how long it would take to build it. The new Costco on the north side went up in 4 months, but that’s a warehouse building and different from a grocery store.

    3. Have the funds been allocated for the sidewalk along 131st Street between Lantern road and Nickel Plate trail? I know we have talked about this before, but I didn’t know if, perhaps, you have received any updates on the possible funding for this project. Most certainly it would require land acquisition from the homeowners there.

    4. Is the new City Hall – or whatever the current designation is – on track to be open this month? Are you going to be covering? Undoubtedly, there are going to be a lot of media present, and I’m wondering if the public will be able to attend as well?

    1. You sure know how to put a volunteer journalist to work. Here’s a look at each of your questions.

      1) I think Hy-Vee will be the closest grocery as best I know now.

      2) Kroger had their ground-breaking recently so I suspect it is on schedule for now.

      3) City and Township government are partnering on funding this, so yes, look for that to happen soon.

      4) City departments are beginning to move into new City Hall during May. The first City Council meeting there should be in June. There is a public open house planned but I have no details at this time.

      1. Thank you, Larry. Many people I talk to consider you the de facto go-to person for anything news here in Fishers. What brought about my larger-than-normal pool of inquiries today is the aforementioned picture. I just kept staring at it pondering how big and wide of an area Fishers really has become. In a way, it reminded me of the state of Pennsylvania with Pittsburgh being downtown Fishers and how it is increasingly further away from the geographical city center. I think many of us hardly visit the area east of Olio road, so, in a way, that area over there might at one point in the future become as distinct as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are. Or, maybe the culture will become fairly uniform throughout the city.

        I am sure many other readers here also appreciated your responses to these hot topic issues.

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