Primary election day – I voted

This coming November is a presidential general election.  I expect long lines at the polls, much like past presidential elections.

I did vote in today’s primary election.  There was no line at all at my polling place.  Based on what the poll workers were saying, things were not very busy when I arrived at about 9:30am.

I have seen numbers showing early voting is up this year compared to the last primary election cycle in Hamilton County.  In the governor and U.S. local congressional races, the direct mailings and TV ads were all over the place.

We will receive a respite of a few months before the political ads hit the airwaves and mailboxes, probably in late August.  The candidates will be determined, in many cases, based on the primary election results.

I had one Republican voter tell me that person is not voting in this primary because there are no candidates that voter can support….that is a sad commentary on the state of our politics in Indiana.

The only way to increase primary voting, in my view, is to enact an open primary, where your primary vote is not totally tied to declaring a political party.  It would be an improvement, but don’t hold your breath, that is not likely to happen anytime soon.

Indiana continues to have one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the nation.  Is anybody talking about how that could be improved?

4 thoughts on “Primary election day – I voted

  1. I feel like the low voter turnout in our state is a feature, not a bug, for the Republican supermajority.

  2. I didn’t vote today because one side seems full of hate-filled people who are more interested in self-aggrandizement over genuinely helping Indiana be the best it can be —and– the other side had invisi-todd….lard knows squat about who is running on what ideas and how they will make Indiana better.

    It’d be nice to have a something to vote -FOR- (and know why you’re voting that way) versus simply pushing a button against someone’s spew.

    1. I have observed that Victoria Sparz people place the same exact signs for her election after election. I’m inclined to say that they work because the signs themselves are very big, and it’s the white font against the blue background. They really do stand out.

      Another observation of mine is that Chuck Goodrich pummeled TV with ads this election cycle. I prefer to watch TV with no ads, but I watch live tennis matches where commercials are inevitable and unavoidable, but I have memorized most of his commercials at this point even though I do look away towards my other screen when the ads come on

    2. Chris,

      This election was a primary, so you had to pick either voting for candidates to represent the Republican Party in Nov. or the candidates to represent the Democrats in Nov. I agree with your second paragraph, but the first paragraph makes no sense when talking about a primary. Sometimes you need to research what a candidate is running on because they do not have the funds to run a commercial constantly.

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