City honors FHS state hoops champs, HSE HS We The People teams

Mayor Fadness hands out certificates to Fishers HS state basketball champs, as Coach Garrett Winegar looks on

There was a time when the Hamilton Southeastern School Board used a “Snapshots of Success” agenda item at board meetings honoring school-related individuals and teams, but it appears that tradition has ended.  The Fishers City Council is picking up the slack, taking time during the Monday night Council session to honor two local school teams.

First, Council members and Mayor Scott Fadness welcomed the Fishers High School Boys State Championship basketball squad, under Coach Garrett Winegar.

The city also honored the HSE High School “We The People” team for their success in the recent national finals.  The team, under Coach Janet Chandler, showed their talent in  knowledge of civic affairs.


Mayor Fadness passes-out certificates to HSE HS We The People team, as Coach Janet Chandler watches

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